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Stop irreversible damage to the Amazon

Stop feeling bad about the Amazon being destroyed and do something about it.

Help us protect a crucial part of the Amazon Rainforest!

We NEED action now

The destruction of the Amazon rainforest through human activities such as logging, mining and burning to clear land for agriculture are contributing to the devastating effects of climate change.

Invest in scaling the Junglekeepers program to protect an additional 250,000 hectares of land in the Peruvian Amazon, building upon Junglekeepers’ established pillars of operation. Empower local communities and create a continuous corridor of protection for a vulnerable part of the Amazon ecosystem.

Where are Junglekeepers working?

The Amazon Jungle stretches across parts of nine South American nations. In Peru, the administrative region of Madre de Dios houses the most mysterious, uncharted and biodiverse area of the Amazon.  Las Piedras River begins in Alto Purus National Park and runs some 650 km. The Las Piedras river is a major tributary of the Madre de Dios River which flows into the Amazon River. The remote headwaters of Las Piedras is the connective tissue between  several of Peru’s most important protected areas, the Alto Purus National Park, Manu National Park and Bahuaha-Sonene National Park.  These areas are home to indigenous communities such as the Yora, Mascho-Piro, Matsigenka, Harakmbt, Yine and some of the last voluntarily isolated nomadic tribes.

Our team operates in Peru
Within the
Madre De Dios
On the
Las Piedras
Las Piedras corridor

The Las Piedras watershed, which is part of the Tropical Andes hotspot, is one of the most biodiverse places in the world. Species recorded on the existing protected lands include more than 480 bird species, 11 species of monkeys, and at least 19+ IUCN Redlist threatened and endangered species including the Giant Otter, the Jaguar and the Harpy Eagle.  The middle Las Piedras River is a global conservation priority due to its biodiverse rainforests and increasing threats, including the paving of the nearby Interoceanic Highway and increased agricultural expansion.

How does Junglekeepers protect the rainforest?

After more than a decade of work on the ground and research, Junglekeepers has provided proof of concept of what it takes to sustainably protect more than 77,000 acres of land. For more than 2 years we've been protecting the land, pushed back on illegal logging, documented the number of unique species endemic to the region.

Our methods work. Within the current boundaries of the reserve we have seen incidents of illegal logging drop by over 90% and incidents of illegal land acquisition drop to almost zero. Our rangers patrol hundreds of kilometers per year. Within the Junglekeepers protected land, the animals are safe, the ancient trees are safe, and the forest is free to function as it has for millions of years. 

How are we using donations?

For each $100 donated to Junglekeepers, we use:

  • $60 for direct land acquisition: the best way to guarantee the land is protected is to own it. This is the only way to fight against illegal logging and land grabs
  • $34 for our ranger program: salary of ranger and admin staff, buy food, equipment, maintain our boats, ranger stations and other operational expenses
  • $4 for legal & administrative fees
  • $2 for our science & research program

What do you get when you contribute as recurring donor?

  • Updates from the field as we make vital progress
  • Your name on a plaque at our ranger station commemorating everyone who contributed to make this dream possible
  • And a guilt free life where you know you contributed directly to saving millions of animal heartbeats, endangered species, indigenous communities, undiscovered medicines, and one of the best natural climate change defense biomes on earth!

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